Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Thursday to-do

Ok some teachers might really dislike me for this post and think I'm a crazy woman, but I am SUPER EXCITED to get back into my classroom and back in action!  I've recently found Bloglovin'... so I am addicted.  I can't help it, just so many awesome classroom ideas that I'm planning and have done already!  But, I need to get organized and make a to-do for all the world to see.. enjoy!  (evil laugh..Mu-hu-hahahaha)

Print & Laminate Whole-Brain Teaching Rules & signs
Print Labels for Science Notebooks & take home folders
Print, Laminate & Hang Chevron welcome sign
Print 'Me bag' labels & staple to paper bags
Type first day plans
Print coloring sheets for first day bellwork
Make the Rise & Shine Binders from Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits (one of my favorite blogs), buy binders
Make 'How we treat books book'
Make Calendar flip books & Calendar folders
Decorate hallway bulletin board
Finish Interactive Word Wall & buy velcro circles
Party City-buy hanging flower/pompom decorations
Chart paper markers
Make glue bottle vowels
Label and organize Math bulletin board and math manipulatives
Make first day of school sign
Get a pencil sharpener that works
Make a box for 20 questions game
Make a 'What we need' donation board for hallway

Make goodie bags for meet the teacher from Room Mom 101
Cute idea, Im so lucky to have you in my class.  First day of school snack? Projects
Pencil Sharpener
Balance Ball Seats

WHEW!  That's a lot but it actually doesn't seem like that much now that it's all in writing!  I finally got ink for my home printer so now I just need cardstock from my classroom tomorrow and I can start crossing off, yay!  Toodles!


PS. My bestie tells me I have a problem with exclamations!  Think she's right?!?


  1. Wonderful list you have! Lots of great stuff ahead... :0)All the best as you embark on getting all of those goodies done. :0) Just found you today and am a new follower and fellow teacher blogger!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  2. You have lots to do!!! I'm your newest follower.

  3. I found your blog from Heidi's post. Welcome to the world of blogging! I am a new follower:)

    Primary Classrooms are Oceans of Fun


Tally Wing
Winging it in Fourth